require import AllCore List Distr DBool DInterval SmtMap CV2EC Finite Discrete LibExt. (*---*) import MRat FSet. require PROM. require UnitRO LR. require (*--*) RealIdeal_CCA2. (* model of the real/ideal game in EasyCrypt *) require (*--*) IND_CCA2. (* translated from CV *) (* parameters *) op Ndec : { int | 0 <= Ndec } as Ndec_ge0. op Nenc : { int | 0 < Nenc } as Nenc_gt0. (* finiteness of types *) type keyseed, encseed, pkey, skey, ciphertext. axiom keyseed_fixed : fixed_type<:keyseed>. axiom encseed_fin : finite_type<:encseed>. axiom pkey_fin : finite_type<:pkey>. axiom skey_fin : finite_type<:skey>. axiom ciphertext_count : countableT<:ciphertext>. clone import Bitstring. (* NOTE: this provides enc, dec, and the axiom encK. *) clone import RealIdeal_CCA2.CCA as RI with type plaintext <- bitstring, type ciphertext <- ciphertext, type keyseed <- keyseed, type encseed <- encseed, type pkey <- pkey, type skey <- skey, op dkeyseed <- duni, op dencseed <- duni, op Ndec <- Ndec, op Nenc <- Nenc, axiom Nenc_gt0 <- Nenc_gt0 proof dkeyseed_ll, dencseed_ll. realize dkeyseed_ll by apply/duni_ll/fixed_fin/keyseed_fixed. realize dencseed_ll by apply/duni_ll/encseed_fin. (* lemma dencseed_ll : is_lossless duni<:encseed> by apply/duni_ll/encseed_fin. *) (* lemma dkeyseed_ll : is_lossless duni<:keyseed> by apply/duni_ll/keyseed_fin. *) clone import IND_CCA2 as CV with theory Bitstring <- Bitstring, type ciphertext <- ciphertext, type cleartext <- bitstring, type enc_seed <- encseed, type keyseed <- keyseed, type pkey <- pkey, type skey <- skey, op Z <- fun _ => m0, op dec <- dec, op enc <- enc, op injbot <- Some, op pkgen <- pkgen, op skgen <- skgen, op b_N <- Nenc, op b_N2 <- Ndec proof* by smt(encK encseed_fin keyseed_fixed pkey_fin skey_fin ciphertext_count bitstring_count). (* Adversary against Real-Ideal Game *) (* This must be a global declaration since it occurs in the final result *) module ORedRI (O : RI.Oracle) : CV.Oracles_i = { include var LHS[init] proc r() : unit = { if (tt \notin m_r) { m_r.[tt] <- tt; } } proc r_i(i : int) : unit = { if ((1 <= i && i <= Nenc) /\ (tt \in m_r) /\ i \notin m_r_i) { m_r_i.[i] <- tt; } } proc p_Opk() : pkey = { var aout : pkey; aout <- witness; if ((tt \in LHS.m_r) /\ (tt \notin LHS.m_Opk)) { LHS.m_Opk.[tt] <- tt; aout <@; } return aout; } proc p_Odec(i2 : int, m : ciphertext) : bitstring option = { var aout : bitstring option; aout <- witness; if ((1 <= i2 && i2 <= Ndec) /\ (tt \in LHS.m_r) /\ (i2 \notin LHS.m_Odec)) { LHS.m_Odec.[i2] <- m; aout <@ O.dec(m); } return aout; } proc p_Oenc(i : int, x1 : bitstring) : ciphertext = { var aout : ciphertext; aout <- witness; if ((1 <= i && i <= Nenc) /\ (i \in LHS.m_r_i) /\ (i \notin LHS.m_Oenc)) { LHS.m_Oenc.[i] <- x1; aout <@ O.enc (x1); } return aout; } }. module (RedRI (A : CV.Adversary) : RI.Adversary) (O : RI.Oracle) = { proc main() = { var b; ORedRI(O).init(); b <@ A(ORedRI(O)).distinguish(); return b; } }. section PROOF. (* TOTHINK: Another reason we cannot instantiate the Goals theory: the proof may impose additional memory restrictions *) declare module A <: Adversary{ -LHS,-RHS,-OL_r.FRO, -Real,-Ideal,-ORedRI, -C.CCA_Oracle, -C.CountCCA, -CountICCA, -B, -BS, -IdealS }. (* Part 1 : Transition to the right PROM implementations *) local clone UnitRO.UnitRO as U with type out_t <- keyseed, type d_in_t <- unit, type d_out_t <- bool, op dout <- (fun _ => duni) proof*. local module LD1 (O: OL_r.RO) = { proc distinguish () : bool = { var b; LHS.m_r_i <- empty; LHS.m_r <- empty; LHS.m_Opk <- empty; LHS.m_Odec <- empty; LHS.m_Oenc <- empty; OL_k.RO.m <- empty; b <@ A(LHS_(OL_k.RO, O)).distinguish(); return b; } }. local module LD2 (O: OL_k.RO) = { proc distinguish () : bool = { var b; OL_r.RO.m <- empty; LHS.m_r_i <- empty; LHS.m_r <- empty; LHS.m_Opk <- empty; LHS.m_Odec <- empty; LHS.m_Oenc <- empty; b <@ A(LHS_(O,OL_r.LRO)).distinguish(); return b; } }. local equiv LHS_eager_lazy : Game(LHS,A).main ~ Game(LHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO),A).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc*. transitivity*{1} {r <@ OL_r.MainD(LD1,OL_r.RO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - by inline*; swap{2} 2 7; sim. transitivity*{1} {r <@ OL_r.MainD(LD1,OL_r.LRO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - call (OL_r.FullEager.RO_LRO LD1); 2: by auto. move => _; exact dencseed_ll. transitivity*{1} {r <@ U.MainD(LD2,U.RO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - by inline*; swap{1} 9 -8; sim. transitivity*{1} {r <@ U.MainD(LD2,U.ERO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - by call (U.Unit_RO_ERO _ LD2); [smt(dkeyseed_ll)|auto]. by inline*; swap{1} [2..4] 5; sim. qed. local module RD1 (O: OR_r.RO) = { proc distinguish () : bool = { var b; RHS.v_c1 <- empty; RHS.v_m1 <- empty; RHS.m_r_i <- empty; RHS.m_r <- empty; RHS.m_Opk <- empty; RHS.m_Odec <- empty; RHS.m_Oenc <- empty; RHS.t_cipher <- []; OR_k.RO.m <- empty; b <@ A(RHS_(OR_k.RO, O)).distinguish(); return b; } }. local module RD2 (O: OR_k.RO) = { proc distinguish () : bool = { var b; OL_r.RO.m <- empty; RHS.v_c1 <- empty; RHS.v_m1 <- empty; RHS.m_r_i <- empty; RHS.m_r <- empty; RHS.m_Opk <- empty; RHS.m_Odec <- empty; RHS.m_Oenc <- empty; RHS.t_cipher <- []; b <@ A(RHS_(O,OL_r.LRO)).distinguish(); return b; } }. local equiv RHS_eager_lazy : Game(RHS,A).main ~ Game(RHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO),A).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc*. transitivity*{1} {r <@ OL_r.MainD(RD1,OL_r.RO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - by inline*; swap{2} 2 10; sim. transitivity*{1} {r <@ OL_r.MainD(RD1,OL_r.LRO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - call (OL_r.FullEager.RO_LRO RD1); 2: by auto. move => _; exact dencseed_ll. transitivity*{1} {r <@ U.MainD(RD2,U.RO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - by inline*; swap{1} 12 -11; sim. transitivity*{1} {r <@ U.MainD(RD2,U.ERO).distinguish(); }; 1,2: smt(). - by call (U.Unit_RO_ERO _ RD2); [smt(dkeyseed_ll)|auto]. by inline*; swap{1} [2..4] 8; sim. qed. (* The LHS (with the right oracle implementations) corresponds to the Real game *) local equiv LHS_RedRI : Game(LHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO),A).main ~ RI.Game(Real,RedRI(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline*; wp. call (: ={glob LHS_} /\{2} = pkgen U.ERO.m{1} /\{2} = skgen U.ERO.m{1} /\ (forall i, i \in OL_r.RO.m => i \in LHS.m_Oenc){1}). - by proc; inline*; auto. - by proc; inline*; auto. - by proc; inline*; auto. - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. by inline*; auto => />. - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline*; rcondt{1} ^if; first by auto => /> /#. auto => />; smt(mem_set get_set_sameE). auto => />; smt(mem_empty). qed. (* The LHS (with the right oracle implementations) corresponds to the IdealS game *) (* NOTE: There is a minor technical difficulty in that the dec oracle in RHS samples ciphertexts while the oracle in IdealS samples a message ciphertext pair *) local equiv RHS_RedRI : Game(RHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO),A).main ~ RI.Game(IdealS,RedRI(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline*; wp. call (: ={m_r,m_r_i,m_Opk,m_Odec,m_Oenc}(RHS,LHS) /\{2} = pkgen U.ERO.m{1} /\{2} = skgen U.ERO.m{1} /\ map pswap RHS.t_cipher{1} = Ideal.cs{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OL_r.RO.m => i \in RHS.m_Oenc){1}). - by proc; inline*; auto. - by proc; inline*; auto. - by proc; inline*; auto. - proc; inline*; sp. if; 1,3: by auto. sp 1 2. seq 1 0 : (#pre /\ r_0_cipher{1} = RMap.ran Ideal.cs{2} c{2}). + conseq />; auto => /> &1 &2 *. elim: (RHS.t_cipher{1}) => //; smt(). if{1}; 1: by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => />; smt(RMap.domE). rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => /> ; smt(RMap.domE). seq 1 1 : (#pre /\ Some m1{1} = m0{2}); last by auto => />; smt(get_set_sameE). rnd Some oget; auto => /> 8? /RMap.domE. pose rm := map pswap _. move => m_rm. split => [|_]; 1: smt(RMap.get_some). split => [[|m]|_ b]; 1: smt(RMap.get_some). - rewrite RMap.get1E_some; smt(RMap.supp_get_some). by rewrite supp_drat RMap.supp_get_some. - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline*; rcondt{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by auto => />; smt(mem_set get_set_sameE). auto => />; smt(mem_empty). qed. import C. lemma RI_bound (O <: Oracle{-A,-CountCCA, -RedRI} ): hoare[ RI.CountAdv(RedRI(A), O).main : true ==> CountCCA.ndec <= Ndec /\ CountCCA.nenc <= Nenc]. proof. proc; inline*; wp. call (: CountCCA.ndec = card (fdom LHS.m_Odec) /\ (fdom LHS.m_Odec) \subset oflist (iota_ 1 Ndec) /\ CountCCA.nenc = card (fdom LHS.m_Oenc) /\ (fdom LHS.m_Oenc) \subset oflist (iota_ 1 Nenc) ). - by proc; inline*; auto. - by proc; inline*; auto. - proc; sp 1; if; 2: by auto. by call(: true); auto. - proc; sp 1; if; 2: by auto. inline*; auto; call(: true); auto => /> &h *. split; 1: smt(fdom_set fcardU1 mem_fdom). smt(get_setE mem_fdom mem_oflist mem_iota). - proc; sp 1; if; 2: by auto. inline*; auto; call(: true); auto => /> &h *. split; 1: smt(fdom_set fcardU1 mem_fdom). smt(get_setE mem_fdom mem_oflist mem_iota). auto => />; rewrite !fdom0 fcards0 !sub0set /=. smt(card_iota Nenc_gt0 Ndec_ge0 subset_leq_fcard). qed. lemma CV_to_CCA &m : Pr[Game(LHS, A).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[Game(RHS, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[CCA_L(S, RI.BS(RedRI(A))).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[CCA_R(S, RI.BS(RedRI(A))).main() @ &m : res]. proof. have -> : Pr[Game(LHS, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[Game(LHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO), A).main() @ &m : res]. by byequiv LHS_eager_lazy. have -> : Pr[Game(LHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO), A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[RI.Game(Real,RedRI(A)).main() @ &m : res]. by byequiv LHS_RedRI. have -> : Pr[Game(RHS, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[Game(RHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO), A).main() @ &m : res]. by byequiv RHS_eager_lazy. have -> : Pr[Game(RHS_(U.ERO, OL_r.LRO), A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[RI.Game(IdealS,RedRI(A)).main() @ &m : res]. by byequiv RHS_RedRI. rewrite (ICCA_CCALR' (RedRI(A))) //. exact RI_bound. qed. end section PROOF. (* CV value of the bound: N * Penc(time + (N - 1) * time(enc_r, maxlength(LHS: x1)), N2) Indistinguishability lemma that should be proved (assuming the current theory has been cloned as CV): *) import C. import CV. section. declare module A <: Adversary{-LHS, -RHS, -CCA_Oracle, -CountCCA, -Real, -Ideal, -BS, -IdealS, -OL_r.FRO, -ORedRI, -LR.LorR, -CountAdv, -B}. declare axiom A_ll : forall (O <: Oracles{-A}), islossless O.r => islossless O.r_i => islossless O.p_Opk => islossless O.p_Odec => islossless O.p_Oenc => islossless A(O).distinguish. module B (A : Adversary) = B(PKE.S, RI.BS(RedRI(A))). local module D (S : PKE.Scheme) = { proc distinguish = CCA(S, B(A)).main }. local module Dl (S : PKE.Scheme) = { proc distinguish = CCA_(S, BS(RedRI(A)), C.LR.L).main }. local module Dr (S : PKE.Scheme) = { proc distinguish = CCA_(S, BS(RedRI(A)), LR.R).main }. lemma B_bound (O <: CCA_Oracle {-CountCCA, -A, -B, -RI.BS, -RedRI, -ORedRI}) : hoare[ CountAdv(B(A), O).main : true ==> CountCCA.ndec <= Ndec /\ CountCCA.nenc <= 1]. proof. apply (B_bound (<: RI.BS(RedRI(A))) _ _ O). - move => {O} O *;islossless. apply (A_ll (<: ORedRI(BS(RedRI(A), O).O'))); islossless. smt(RMap.get_ll). - by move => {O} O; apply (B_bound' (RedRI(A)) (RI_bound A) O). qed. lemma main &m: `| Pr[Game(LHS, A).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[Game(RHS, A).main() @ &m : res] | <= 2%r * Nenc%r * `| Pr[CCA(S, B(A)).main() @ &m : res] - 1.0/2.0 |. proof. rewrite (CV_to_CCA A). have H := C.CCA_1n (RI.BS(RedRI(A))) _ _ &m. - move => O *;islossless. apply (A_ll (<: ORedRI(BS(RedRI(A), O).O'))); islossless. smt(RMap.get_ll). - by move => O; apply (B_bound' (RedRI(A)) (RI_bound A) O). have -> : Pr[C.CCA(S, B(A)).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[C.CCA(PKE.S, B(A)).main() @ &m : res]. - by byequiv (eq_S D); auto => />. apply (StdOrder.RealOrder.ler_trans _ _ _ _ H). have -> : Pr[C.CCA_(S, BS(RedRI(A)), C.LR.L).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[C.CCA_(PKE.S, BS(RedRI(A)), C.LR.L).main() @ &m : res]. - by byequiv (eq_S Dl); auto => />. have -> : Pr[C.CCA_(S, BS(RedRI(A)), C.LR.R).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[C.CCA_(PKE.S, BS(RedRI(A)), C.LR.R).main() @ &m : res]. - by byequiv (eq_S Dr); auto => />. done. qed. end section.