require import AllCore List Distr DBool DInterval. require (*--*) IND_CCA2_hybrid IND_CCA2 LibExt. import LibExt.RMap. import Distr.MRat. (* This file provides games for the Real/Ideal variant of IND-CCA2. The Real game provides the adversary with access to an encryption oracle, in the Ideal game the encryption oracle always encrypts the same (fixed) message. Unlike Oracle_PKE, we do not work with an abstract [Scheme] module. Instead, we require distributions [dkeyseed, dencseed] and operators that allow implementing a [Scheme] module *) (* FIXME: We use an inner theory to avoid the name-clash with the Real theory. *) theory CCA. type pkey, skey, plaintext, ciphertext, encseed, keyseed. op [lossless] dkeyseed : keyseed distr. op [lossless] dencseed : encseed distr. op Ndec : int. op Nenc : { int | 0 < Nenc } as Nenc_gt0. op enc : plaintext * pkey * encseed -> ciphertext. op dec : ciphertext * skey -> plaintext option. op pkgen : keyseed -> pkey. op skgen : keyseed -> skey. op m0 : plaintext. axiom encK (k : keyseed) (m : plaintext) (e : encseed) : dec (enc(m, pkgen k, e), skgen k) = Some m. op Gen = dmap dkeyseed (fun ks => (pkgen ks, skgen ks)). op Enc = fun (x : pkey * plaintext) => dmap dencseed (fun es => enc(x.`2,x.`1,es)). op Dec = fun (x : skey * ciphertext) => dec(x.`2, x.`1). clone import IND_CCA2_hybrid as PKE with type pkey <- pkey, type skey <- skey, type plaintext <- plaintext, type ciphertext <- ciphertext, op Gen <- Gen, op Enc <- Enc, op Dec <- Dec proof*. realize Gen_ll by apply/dmap_ll/dkeyseed_ll. realize Enc_ll by move =>*; apply/dmap_ll/dencseed_ll. realize kg_ll by islossless. realize enc_ll by islossless. realize dec_ll by islossless. clone import IND_CCA2 as C with op Ndec <- Ndec, op Nenc <- Nenc, axiom Nenc_gt0 <- Nenc_gt0 proof*. module type Oracle = { proc pk () : pkey proc enc (_ : plaintext) : ciphertext proc dec (_ : ciphertext) : plaintext option }. module type Oracle_i = { include Oracle proc init() : unit }. (* "Real" oracle, enc encrypts the given message *) module Real : Oracle = { var pk : pkey var sk : skey proc init() : unit = { var ks; ks <$ dkeyseed; pk <- pkgen ks; sk <- skgen ks; } proc pk () = { return pk; } proc enc (m : plaintext) : ciphertext = { var e; e <$ dencseed; return enc(m, pk, e); } proc dec (c : ciphertext) : plaintext option = { return dec(c, sk); } }. (* Ideal orcale, discards m and always encrypts m0 In the case of a ciphertext collision (e.g. a collision in dencseed), the last given message is returned *) module Ideal : Oracle = { include var Real[pk] var cs : (ciphertext, plaintext) rmap proc init() : unit = { Real.init(); cs <- []; } proc enc (m : plaintext) : ciphertext = { var e, c; e <$ dencseed; c <- enc(m0, pk, e); cs <- cs.[c <- m]; return c; } proc dec (c : ciphertext) : plaintext option = { var m; m <- assoc cs c; if (m = None) { m <- dec(c, sk); } return m; } }. (* Same as above, but in the case of a ciphertext collision, the message returned by decryption is chosen randomly. *) module IdealS : Oracle = { import var Real include var Ideal [-dec] proc dec (c : ciphertext) : plaintext option = { var m; if (c \in cs) { m <$ cs.[c]; } else { m <- dec(c, sk); } return m; } }. module type Adversary (G : Oracle) = { proc main () : bool }. module Game (O : Oracle_i, A : Adversary) = { proc main() = { var r; O.init(); r <@ A(O).main(); return r; } }. (*-------------------------------*) module CountICCA (O : Oracle) = { import var C.CountCCA (* var ndec, nenc : int *) proc init () : unit = { ndec <- 0; nenc <- 0; } proc pk = proc enc (m : plaintext) : ciphertext = { var c; c <@ O.enc(m); nenc <- nenc + 1; return c; } proc dec (c : ciphertext) : plaintext option = { var m; m <@ O.dec(c); ndec <- ndec + 1; return m; } }. module CountAdv (A : Adversary) (O : Oracle) = { proc main() = { var b; CountICCA(O).init(); b <@ A(CountICCA(O)).main(); return b; } }. (* Adversary for the bound |Real - Ideal| < |CCA_L - CCA_R| *) (* We need to keep a log, because the CCA_Oracle will only decrypt ciphertexts that were not generated by the l_or_r oracle *) module B (A : Adversary) (O : CCA_Oracle) = { var cs : (ciphertext * plaintext) list var pk : pkey module O' : Oracle = { proc init (p : pkey) = { pk <- p; } proc pk () = { return pk; } proc enc (m : plaintext) = { var c; c <@ O.l_or_r(m, m0); cs <- (c, m) :: cs; return c; } proc dec (c : ciphertext) = { var m; m <- assoc cs c; if (m = None) { m <@ O.dec(c); } return m; } } proc main (pk : pkey) : bool = { var r; cs <- []; O'.init(pk); r <@ A(O').main(); return r; } }. (* Adversary for the bound |Real - IdealS| < |CCA_L - CCA_R| *) module BS (A : Adversary) (O : CCA_Oracle) = { import var B module O' : Oracle = { proc init (p : pkey) = { pk <- p; } proc pk () = { return pk; } proc enc (m : plaintext) = { var c; c <@ O.l_or_r(m, m0); cs <- (c, m) :: cs; return c; } proc dec (c : ciphertext) : plaintext option = { var m; if (c \in cs) { m <$ cs.[c]; } else { m <@ O.dec(c); } return m; } } proc main (pk : pkey) : bool = { var r; cs <- []; O'.init(pk); r <@ A(O').main(); return r; } }. (* more natural formulation of the scheme using seed operators *) module S : Scheme = { proc kg () : pkey * skey = { var ks, pk, sk; ks <$ dkeyseed; pk <- pkgen ks; sk <- skgen ks; return (pk, sk); } proc enc (pk : pkey, m : plaintext) : ciphertext = { var e, c; e <$ dencseed; c <- enc (m, pk, e); return c; } proc dec(sk : skey, c : ciphertext) : plaintext option = { var m; m <- dec (c, sk); return m; } }. equiv eq_S (D <: SchemeDist) : D(S).distinguish ~ D(PKE.S).distinguish : ={glob D} ==> ={glob D,res}. proof. proc (true) => //; proc. - rnd: *0 *0; auto => />; progress; try by rewrite(dmap_id). smt(). - rnd: *0 *0; auto => />; progress; by rewrite(dmap_id). - by auto. qed. section. declare module A <: Adversary {-Real, -Ideal, -IdealS, -C.CCA_Oracle, -B, -BS, -CountCCA, -CountICCA}. declare axiom A_bound (O <: Oracle {-A, -CountICCA}) : hoare [CountAdv(A, O).main : true ==> CountCCA.ndec <= Ndec /\ CountCCA.nenc <= Nenc]. equiv AB_bound (O <: CCA_Oracle{-CountCCA, -A, -B}) : C.CountAdv(B(A), O).main ~ CountAdv(A, B(A, O).O').main : ={glob A, glob O} /\ B.cs{2} = [] /\ arg{1} ={2} ==> CountCCA.ndec{1} <= CountCCA.ndec{2} /\ CountCCA.nenc{1} = CountCCA.nenc{2}. proof. proc. inline*; sp; auto. call (: ={glob O, glob B} /\ CountCCA.ndec{1} <= CountCCA.ndec{2} /\ CountCCA.nenc{1} = CountCCA.nenc{2}) => //. - by proc; auto. - by proc; inline *; sp; auto; call (: true); auto => /> /#. - proc; inline *; sp; auto. if; auto => />; 2: by smt(). by sp; call (: true); auto => /> /#. qed. lemma B_bound (O <: CCA_Oracle{-CountCCA, -CountCCA, -A, -B}) : hoare [C.CountAdv(B(A), O).main : true ==> CountCCA.ndec <= Ndec /\ CountCCA.nenc <= Nenc]. proof. by conseq (AB_bound (<: O)) (A_bound (<: B(A, O).O')) => // /#. qed. local equiv Real_CCA_L : Game(Real, A).main ~ CCA_L(S, B(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline*; wp. call (: ={pk,sk}(Real,CCA_Oracle) /\{2} ={1} /\ (exists ks, (,{1} = (pkgen ks, skgen ks)) /\ (unzip1 B.cs= CCA_Oracle.cs){2} /\ (forall m c, assoc B.cs c = Some m => dec(c, = Some m){2}). - proc; inline*; auto. - proc; inline*; auto => /> &m ks Hcs es ? m c. rewrite assoc_cons; smt(encK). - proc; inline*; auto => /> &m ks Hcs. split; smt(assocTP). (* split is necessary!? *) by auto => /> /#. qed. local equiv Ideal_CCA_R : Game(Ideal, A).main ~ CCA_R(S, B(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline *; wp. call (: ={pk, sk}(Real, CCA_Oracle) /\ unzip1 Ideal.cs{1} = CCA_Oracle.cs{2} /\ (forall c m, assoc Ideal.cs c = Some m => dec(c, = Some m0){1} /\ (exists ks, (,{2} = (pkgen ks, skgen ks)) /\ Ideal.cs{1} = B.cs{2} /\{2} ={2}). - by proc; inline *; auto => />. - proc; inline *; auto => /> &m1 &m2 Hcs ks ? ? e _ c m'. by rewrite assoc_cons; case : (c = enc (m0, pkgen ks, e)) => />; smt(encK). - proc; inline *; auto => /> &m1 &m2 Hcs ks ? ?. by rewrite -assocTP. - by wp; rnd; skip => /> /#. qed. lemma ICCA_CCALR &m : Pr[Game(Real, A).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[Game(Ideal, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[CCA_L(S, B(A)).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[CCA_R(S, B(A)).main() @ &m : res]. proof. have -> : Pr[Game(Real, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[CCA_L(S, B(A)).main() @ &m : res]. by byequiv Real_CCA_L. have -> : Pr[Game(Ideal, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[CCA_R(S, B(A)).main() @ &m : res]. by byequiv Ideal_CCA_R. smt(). qed. (* Variation of the above, chosing a random preimage, if there are multiple *) equiv AB_bound' (O <: CCA_Oracle{-CountCCA, -CountCCA, -A, -B}) : C.CountAdv(BS(A), O).main ~ CountAdv(A, BS(A, O).O').main : ={glob A, glob O} /\ B.cs{2} = [] /\ arg{1} ={2} ==> CountCCA.ndec{1} <= CountCCA.ndec{2} /\ CountCCA.nenc{1} = CountCCA.nenc{2}. proof. proc. inline*; sp; auto. call (: ={glob O, glob B} /\ CountCCA.ndec{1} <= CountCCA.ndec{2} /\ CountCCA.nenc{1} = CountCCA.nenc{2}) => //. - by proc; auto. - by proc; inline *; sp; auto; call (: true); auto => /> /#. - proc; inline *; sp; auto. if; auto => />; 1: smt(). by sp; call (: true); auto => /> /#. qed. lemma B_bound' (O <: CCA_Oracle{-CountCCA, -CountCCA, -A, -B}) : hoare [C.CountAdv(BS(A), O).main : true ==> CountCCA.ndec <= Ndec /\ CountCCA.nenc <= Nenc]. proof. by conseq (AB_bound' (<: O)) (A_bound (<: BS(A, O).O')) => // /#. qed. local equiv Real_CCA_L' : Game(Real, A).main ~ CCA_L(S, BS(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline*; wp. call (: ={pk,sk}(Real,CCA_Oracle) /\{2} ={1} /\ (exists ks, (,{1} = (pkgen ks, skgen ks)) /\ (unzip1 B.cs= CCA_Oracle.cs){2} /\ (forall m c, (c,m) \in B.cs => dec(c, = Some m){2}). - by proc; auto. - proc; inline*; auto => />; smt(encK). - proc; inline*; sp; conseq />. if{2}; first by auto => /> 4?; smt(get_valid get_ll). by auto => />; smt(domP mapP). by auto => /> /#. qed. equiv IdealS_CCA_R : Game(IdealS, A).main ~ CCA_R(S, BS(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline *; wp. call (: ={pk, sk}(Real, CCA_Oracle) /\ unzip1 Ideal.cs{1} = CCA_Oracle.cs{2} /\ (forall c m, (c, m) \in Ideal.cs => dec(c, = Some(m0)){1} /\ (* (forall c m, (c, m) \in List.filter (fun p => fst p = c) *) (* Ideal.cs => *) (* dec(c, = Some m0){1} /\ *) (exists ks, (,{2} = (pkgen ks, skgen ks)) /\ Ideal.cs{1} = B.cs{2} /\{2} ={2}). - by proc; inline *; auto => />. - proc; inline *; auto => /> &m1 &m2 Hcs ks skP ? e _ c m'; smt(encK). - proc; inline *; sp; auto; if; auto => /> &m1 &m2 5?; smt(domP mapP). - by wp; rnd; skip => /> /#. qed. lemma ICCA_CCALR' &m : Pr[Game(Real, A).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[Game(IdealS, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[CCA_L(S, BS(A)).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[CCA_R(S, BS(A)).main() @ &m : res]. proof. have -> : Pr[Game(Real, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[CCA_L(S, BS(A)).main() @ &m : res]. - by byequiv Real_CCA_L'. have -> : Pr[Game(IdealS, A).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[CCA_R(S, BS(A)).main() @ &m : res]; 2: by smt(). by byequiv IdealS_CCA_R. qed. end section. end CCA.