(* Augmented EKE, Bellovin, Merritt, Section 3 One does not know whether one decrypts { challengeA, challengeB }_K and similar messages correctly. In this case, there is no attack. *) free c. (* Symmetric cryptography One does not know whether decryption succeeds or not For use with weak secrets *) fun enc/2. fun dec/2. equation dec(enc(x,y),y) = x. equation enc(dec(x,y),y) = x. (* Symmetric cryptography One knows whether decryption succeeds or not -- not used in this script fun senc/2. reduc sdec(senc(x,y),y) = x. *) (* Diffie-Hellman *) data g/0. fun exp/2. equation exp(exp(g,x),y) = exp(exp(g,y),x). (* Hash function *) fun h/1. (* One-way function *) fun F/2. (* Predicate *) data true/0. reduc T(h(x), F(x,y), y) = true. (* Host *) data host/2. free hostA, hostB. private free P. let processA = new RA; out(c, (hostA, enc(exp(g,RA), h(P)))); in(c, (m1, m2)); let gRB = dec(m1, h(P)) in let K = exp(gRB, RA) in let (challengeB) = dec(m2, K) in new challengeA; out(c, enc((challengeA, challengeB), K)); in(c, m3); if (challengeA) = dec(m3, K) then out(c, enc(F(P,K), K)). let processB = in(c, (=hostX, gRA)); new RB; let K = exp(gRA, RB) in new challengeB; out(c, (enc(exp(g, RB), h(P)), enc(challengeB, K))); in(c, m4); let (challengeA, =challengeB) = dec(m4, K) in out(c, enc(challengeA, K)); in(c, m5); let fr = dec(m5, K) in if T(h(P), fr, K) = true then 0. let processAtalkingX = in(c, (PA,PB)); let hostX = host(PA,PB) in let P = PA in processA. let processBtalkingX = in(c, (PA,PB)); let hostX = host(PA,PB) in let P = PB in processB. process (!let hostX = hostB in processA) | (!let hostX = hostA in processB) | (!processAtalkingX) | (!processBtalkingX) | (phase 1; new w; out(c, choice[w,P]))